Youth Athletic Development

Athletic Development

Youth athletic development for teams and individuals.

Here at Sea City we aim to support athletes across all sports by offering and providing them with essential athletic development.

Our knowledge and practical coaching skills allow us to operate with athletes of all ages, skill levels, and varying backgrounds and therefore provide them with game changing development which in turn allows them to maximise their potential.

Our coaches are here to give you or your team the physical preparation that can bring success.

From fundamentals to High performance on our Child to Champion program.

Our youth athlete development program ‘Child to Champion’ is flourishing as are the athletes themselves. Alongside this program we run a ‘Guaranteed Speed Academy’ where we coach young sport’s people with a view to developing speed, a much needed physical quality for so many sports.

Why Youth Athletic Development Is Important

In years gone by strength training has been regarded by many as an unsafe activity for youth populations, with badly designed and misunderstood data and research stemming from the ‘60’s and 70’s largely to blame.

However, more recent findings support the use of resistance training methods to support the youth athlete during a potentially difficult time physically - through their adolescent years when peak height and peak weight velocity (maturation) can play havoc with movement capability.

A sound program like ours allows children to access quality training built around evidence based principles, with qualified practitioners in a completely safe and appropriate environment.

All athletes then have an opportunity build themselves into robust, resilient individuals who can cope with the high demands of their sport and life with a much-reduced chance of injury.

This is a Long Term Athlete Development programme perfect for 13-17 year olds looking to maximise their physical and mental performance whilst bullet proofing their developing bodies from side lining injuries.

The programme is perfect for committed young athletes who have a burning desire to maximise their physical potential and become the best version of themselves possible, and with the programme running term time, every athlete has the opportunity to do just that.

A young growing body can face many challenges with coordination, mobility, strength, and speed and this can often be perceived in sport as lack of fitness, poor performance or decreased technical ability, often resulting in self-confidence being knocked. Injury risk during growth spurts can also rise dramatically and without developing the young athlete appropriately via strength and conditioning, the onset of overuse issues is a real problem.

Young athletes can come and train with likeminded others under the watchful eye of experienced and qualified coaches. They learn to move efficiently, develop strength appropriately and understand how to eat well and use recovery methods to enhance everything sport and life throws at them, especially during the crucial stages of maturation and the onset of adolescence when rapid physical changes occur.

This programme not only improves them now but sets them up for life further down the road.

Youth Athlete Pathway

Our curriculum suits 13-17 year olds from any sporting background, and follows a foundation, development, high performance theme. Our coaches are responsible for creating healthy, robust youngsters who want nothing more but longevity in their chosen sports.

Performance Monitoring

Quarterly performance testing to monitor physical improvements in fitness are a staple on the program. This ensures your child is always improving appropriately and progressing as expected.

Highest Standard of Coaching

With years of experience your child is in the best hands possible for appropriate long-term development. With an evidence-based approach, every aspect of youth athlete development is taken into consideration. Our progressive curriculum transports your young athlete along a pathway to higher performance.

Sports Nutrition For The Youth Athlete

Continuous education on all thing’s nutrition. What to eat, what not to eat and how to prepare healthy snacks and meals to support activity and life. We regularly educate not only the athletes themselves, but parents also with the use of verbal and written correspondence.

The Gym

Our private facility is equipped with everything we need to do the work we do, in turn developing and nurturing healthy youth athletes to perform at their best. The gym can hold eight youngsters, this ensures a fantastic coach to athlete ratio.

Parent Community Group

Correspondence with all parents is high on our list of priorities, and a private parent only Facebook group allows us to regularly interact and engage. Useful topics and points of interest as well as day to day logistics are continually passed on to allow complete transparency at all times.


Tuesday’s @ 1630-1730

Term Time Only

More dates available soon…


1x Per Week Membership = £60 p/m

No Contract

Interested? We offer a free taster session so you can come along and see how things work.