Week 4 - Continued

Today we’ll look at the key points of the kickstart and what you need to be focusing on for success.

I don’t want you to lose the progress you’ve made, let’s continue working on your habits to make it stick long term.

Those who are working with me past the kickstart we’ll be going down a more personalised route but this is all still relevant. (I’ll post up more info about continued support on Friday)

P.S Book in your call HERE!

Key Points

  1. Nutrition Pack / Calorie Deficit. This is the most important. If you haven’t achieved your fat loss goal yet you must remain (on average) in a calorie deficit for longer. The nutrition targets set out in the pack will work, until they don’t work. As you get lighter and your metabolism slows (slightly), you will need to re-adjust a little to continue to progress.

  2. Identity Change. For you to truly change your habits it needs to be underpinned by an identity based goal. Become the person you want to be, slowly, one step at a time.

  3. 1% Changes. The goal here is to make 1% changes daily and not attempt lifestyle overhauls. For example working towards the “Eat More” section and creating more friction for the “Eat Less” section. Getting in an extra 500 steps per day. Drinking an extra glass of water. This is powerful and a missing element from most fat loss programs, they normally have you change too much, too fast and it doesn’t stick.

  4. Tracking Outcomes/Actions. Your outcomes to track are photos, measurements, weight etc… Your actions to track are your habits/food. Ask yourself this question:

    Question #1 (outcome): When you look in the mirror, are you pleased with your level of muscularity and leanness? Also, are you happy with your energy and health?

    Question #2 (actions/behaviour): If no, have you followed the nutritional plan, day in and day out for at least 5 weeks, with at least 80% adherence?

  5. Environmental Design. Your willpower will not beat your environment. Create friction for negative habits. Make positive habits as easy as possible and create cues for doing it.

  6. Diet Satisfaction. You eat every day, multiple times per day. It’s a big part of your life. You must enjoy your diet. Slowly experiment with ways to cook, new recipes etc.. that are healthier and lower in calories. Treat yourself instead of drastic restrictions but understand some foods will make it very hard to remain in a calorie deficit, is there a better alternative that you still enjoy?


This week’s Friday post is all about the outcome of your actions over the past 4 weeks!

Please measure your progress and send me the result.

We want to look at what went well, and what didn’t go so well and improve where possible.


  1. Continue to complete your habit tracker and food log.

  2. Book in our next call HERE.

  3. Make sure to fill in the evaluation worksheet.

  4. Have your outcome results logged and ready for Friday!