This week we’re looking at supplements. Are they a waste of money or the icing on the cake?
There are thousands of supplements regularly advertised to us.
But do any of them actually work?
The very short answer to this is, probably not.
Or at least not to the effect that they’re advertised.
For the most part, you might want to spend that money on real foods and ways to prepare them so you enjoy them.
However, there are a handful of supplements that DO work and we can utilise.
This is not an exhaustive list but rather the best pick of the bunch when we’re looking at supplementation.
If you’re researching for yourself please use this website to peek into the actual evidence (or lack of) behind the supplement:
This will no doubt save you money and from confusion in the future. Unfortunately, you’ll likely find the evidence to be weak at best for the benefit you’re looking for.
What’s going on with BULK, am I making money off them?
No, it’s simply the website I purchase my own supplements from.
Feel free to use any other brand!
Protein Supplements
A whole week was dedicated to the benefits of increasing your protein intake, for good reason!
However, sometimes it can be hard to get this from whole foods.
If you do find yourself struggling consistently up your intake, using a protein supplement can really help.
It’s quick and easy.
You can also use it as part of smoothie recipes and/or baking.
Whey, Soya, Pea, Beef, etc… there are plenty of different options for you to try.
Greens Supplement
While greens powder can't replace a diet sufficient in vegetables, the blend of antioxidants, enzymes, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals in these products can be extremely helpful.
If you’re traveling greens can really come in handy.
Fish/Algae Oil
Balance your Omega 3/6’s.
Taken from our week’s task about healthy fats:
“Scientists estimate that the omega-6/omega-3 ratio in a hunter-gatherer diet is around 1:1.
Humans currently consume a ratio of about 16:1 to even 20:1 – an intake that’s way out of balance.”
Fish/Algae oil is rich in DHA and EPA, two powerful fats responsible for things like increased metabolic rate, improved fat burning, and reducing our risk for a host of diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes).
Multi-vitamin supplements have been endorsed by the most respected medical organizations in the world for their ability to help reduce the risk of nutrient deficiency. Excessive vitamin supplementation isn't necessary. However, having a daily multi very well might be.
One of the rare performance-boosting supplements that actually works, and is cheap!
More creatine means more potential ATP, which translates into improved performance on short-duration, high-intensity tasks.
You don’t need to waste your money on the more expensive “fancy” versions of creatine.
Simple monohydrate works perfectly.
Message me with any questions about supplementation before you start/remove something.
Like all the tasks we’ve covered, for you to see benefits you must be consistent.
You will want to start tracking the supplements you take and your adherence to taking them. e.g I’m sure most people have bought something like fish oil tabs before, not finishing the pot and, therefore not seeing any benefit due to adherence.
You now have a little more knowledge and a resource to check any future supplement claims even if they aren’t fitness-related.