Congratulations on completing the 12-week course! It takes real dedication to work on your nutrition, and you should be incredibly proud of what you’ve achieved.

As we wrap things up, I wanted to leave you with this summary to keep you on track. If you ever feel a little lost in the coming weeks or months, come back to this as a guide to refocus.

You might come across flashy diets or workout programs promising magical results—like food tests, fasting, keto, supplements, special soups, meal replacements, or “fat-burning” workouts. If one of these works for you, that’s fantastic! Just keep in mind that the real reason it worked was likely because you stuck with it and managed your food intake better. There’s no magic; consistency and adherence are the secret sauce.

It’s normal to have days where you “fall off the wagon,” but with the habits you’ve built over these weeks, even your off days will be way better than before.

For those of you who didn’t quite hit your goals, don’t be discouraged. Keep working on the areas below, and think about what could help you stay more consistent over time.

  • Take a look at your food log. How complete is it?

  • Review your task tracker. Does it highlight the things you found tough to implement?

  • Revisit the identity-based task you wrote down at the start. Did you fully explore it and make it part of your routine?

You’ve made amazing progress, and now it’s about building on what you’ve learned. Keep going—you’ve got this!

Week 1 - How To Actually Stick To Your Goals.

Being in a calorie deficit is key to fat loss.

Identity - Motivation alone won’t work.

1. Decide the type of person you want to be.

2. Prove it to yourself with small wins.

Make 1% changes instead of a big lifestyle overhaul, this is powerful over the long term.

Week 2 - Environmental Design - Making Fat Loss Easy

Environment - We live in an environment that creates a battle for us every step of the way.

Your willpower will not beat your environment.

Make the cues that trigger and prompt your habits as obvious and as visible as possible.

Create resistance for bad habits.

Week 3 - Tracking Outcomes vs Behaviours - Evaluating Progress

Question #1 (outcome): When you look in the mirror, are you pleased with your level of muscularity and leanness? Also, are you happy with your energy and health?

Question #2 (behaviour): If no, have you followed the nutritional plan, for at least 4 weeks, with at least 80% adherence?

Track not only your outcome (fat loss) but also your behaviours that will (or won’t) lead to the outcome you desire.

Week 4 - Enjoying Your Food Is Key - Diet Satisfaction/Practical Tips

Diet satisfaction is super important if you are going to make long-term changes.

You need to eat every day for the rest of your life.

You have to enjoy it!

Explore ways of enjoying “healthier” foods and reaching your “Eat More” section of the nutrition pack.

Week 5 - Why Protein Is Important For Fat Loss

Higher-protein diets are a successful strategy to achieve fat loss and improve body weight management. 

The improvements are thought to be due to the effect of protein on appetite control, energy intake, metabolism and body mass distribution. 

Week 6 - Carbohydrates, Fibre & Fats

“Healthier carbs” are digested and absorbed much slower while the “non-healthy” carbs are digested very quickly.

Carbohydrates that are digested and absorbed slowly, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, can help to control insulin response, energy levels, and body composition.

Scientists estimate that the omega-6/omega-3 ratio in a hunter-gatherer diet is around 1:1.

Humans currently consume a ratio of about 16:1 to even 20:1 – an intake that’s way out of balance.

We need adequate fat to support metabolism, cell signaling, the health of various body tissues, immunity, hormone production, and the absorption of many nutrients (such as vitamins A and D).

Week 7 - NEAT

NEAT is the energy expended during daily activities such as walking, standing, fidgeting, and even household chores. By increasing NEAT, you can elevate daily caloric expenditure without having to add more workouts etc…

Week 8 - The Power of Sleep

Signs that your sleep habits aren’t working for you:

Mind is foggy.


Getting sick a lot.

Struggling with weight gain (hunger).

Workouts feel hard (low energy).

Week 9 - Fat Loss Shopping List

If you’ve made new food choices that support your fat loss efforts, you’ll want to have those ingredients at the ready. Remember discussing reducing friction for healthy habits? Without the ingredients readily available you’ll have too much friction involved to make that recipe. (which will likely lead to making some not-so-great choices)

Week 10 - Supplements

There are thousands of supplements regularly advertised to us.

But do any of them actually work?

The very short answer to this is, probably not.

Or at least not to the effect that they’re advertised.

For the most part, you might want to spend that money on real foods and ways to prepare them so you enjoy them.

However, there are a handful of supplements that DO work and we can utilise.

Week 11 - Moving Onto Muscle Gain / Performance

This course has mainly been about fat loss and health.

Now we’re getting to the final weeks, you may be thinking about longer-term goals after you’ve hit your body fat targets.

Building muscle to shape your body into something you’re proud of and focusing on fueling your body to perform at its best.

Fitter, faster, stronger and leaner!

Final check-in

Your final task for the 12-week course is here—time to revisit your outcome-based measurements!

Take some updated photos, measurements, weight, and/or check how your clothes are fitting. Once you’ve done that, compare them to the very first set of measurements you took and send them over to me.

Don’t forget to look back at your nutrition pack and those long-term targets we set at the start. How are things looking? Are you on track, smashing your goals, or still feeling like there’s more work to do? Let me know how you’re feeling about your progress—I’m here to help you plan for continued success moving forward.

It’s truly been a pleasure working with you all. If you have a few minutes during your final check-in, I’d really appreciate some feedback on the course—what you loved, what could be improved, and any helpful takeaways you’d like to share as a testimonial for future members.

Thank you so much for being part of this journey!