Prep Day
Welcome to your prep day for the 12-week Fat Loss Course!
Here’s the weekly breakdown:
Monday - Check-In via Email:
Let me know how the weekly focus has gone, any questions, and tracker sheet review.
(Week 1 will be slightly different)
Wednesday - New weekly focus via Email:
Each week we’ll be looking at a certain element of long-term fat loss, these will slowly build upon the last so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Friday - Group Q+A via WhatsApp:
A chance to ask for general advice, boost motivation or just have a chat via WhatsApp.
Please join the group WhatsApp via this link.
(this isn’t essential but I highly recommend you do)
Losing body fat and achieving a body transformation requires adherence.
Adherence to a calorie deficit for long enough to lose enough weight.
And once you’ve lost that weight, adherence to maintaining your new body.
Here are several problems we face with that…
We have years of habits that fight against our goals.
We live in an environment that creates a battle for us every step of the way.
Our identity doesn’t align with our actions.
And this is why this nutrition course is different.
We focus on those problems that inevitably are going to fuck us over if we don’t action them.
I believe most people pretty much know what they need to do to lose body fat, but why can’t we just .. Do it!?
Habits, environment, and identity.
That’s why.
Identity will be the first thing we look at.
It’s the value that will underpin the whole course.
This is not a lifestyle overhaul, they don’t work.
We will steadily make 1% changes to transforming your body and actually reaching/maintaining it once you get there.
And we’ll do it whilst having a social life and enjoying the foods we love!
Let’s get to your first tasks… we’re looking at where your body composition is currently at.
These are to be completed by Sunday 1900 and sent to me via email.
I will be calling you out immediately if any of these tasks aren’t completed!
You are being held accountable.
Task 1
Photos -
Take full body photos in tight fitting clothing/swimwear/underwear.
Front, back and sides. In good lighting. Stand with good posture but do not tense up/suck in.
If you don’t feel comfortable sending me these photos that’s absolutely fine, just make sure you get it done.
If possible find an item of clothing that used to fit you but doesn’t anymore. This is a fantastic indicator of inches lost without having to take measurements (potentially inaccurately).
e.g these jeans barely go up my legs > 12 weeks later they fit with extra room!
Task 2
Weigh In -
Weighing yourself on scales gets a bad reputation.
Confusion over gaining muscle vs weight loss vs water weight etc..
We must be honest with ourselves.. If you lose enough body fat, you WILL weigh less.
You simply can’t put on muscle at a rate anywhere near that you can lose fat.
Some days you might be heavier for various reasons but ultimately that trend in weight will come down over time.
Day-to-day fluctuations can be ignored but weekly/bi-weekly averages are very important.
Weigh yourself in the morning in KG’s.
Task 3
Personalised Plan -
I am going to create a sample guide based on your personal details.
Target Weight in 12 Weeks?
Eating Style? Eat Anything, Vegetarian, Mediterranean, Fully Plant-Based, Paleo, Keto.
How Many Meals Per Day Do You Like To Eat?
Activity Level At Work? Very Light, Light, Moderate, Very Active
Task 4
Tracking Food -
We’ll be making smart decisions based on our current lifestyles, not some fantasy scenario.
Using your favourite calorie counting App on your phone, track all food/drink that you consume over the next few days.
Please don’t try and “be good” or eat less than usual.
If you send me a perfect diet my response won’t be “Ah this person is amazing.” my thought will be “This person is a liar, how disappointing.”
Be honest with me and yourself, how many biscuits did you eat!?
We’ll use this information to start making small changes.
I’m excited to work with you and see your progress!
I’ve become interested in helping people with nutrition more than ever over the past months.
Mostly because I have personally struggled since becoming a Dad.
3 years it took to sort myself out.
I was battling against myself trying to do things the way I had in my 20’s.
And my environment was completely different now with a small family.
I needed to focus on my current situation and habits/environment over forcing what wasn’t working.
And it feels great to be out of that hole.
And to tell you the truth, it wasn’t that hard once I switched my focus/mindset.
I want the same for you.
Easy fat loss that lasts.
Please email me all the tasks complete by Sunday 1900.
We’re kicking things off Monday.
Let’s do this!