Members Page

Hey, this page is for members only so you can get the most out of your membership and also refer back to if you have any questions that need answering. If you’re new to CrossFit in general, we recommend you take a look at our Top Tips For Beginner’s page.

WOD Board.

Download the wod board app in your app store to make booking, payments and workout tracking easier. Tracking your workouts is great so you can look back at old scores/scales and for us to make sure the gym as a whole is making progress.

Facebook Group.

Please join our Facebook Group Here. We use this group to post scores, gym updaters and general chit chat.

Social Media.

We love to show off our members great results! Please follow us on Instagram / Facebook. We welcome you to share your own photos/videos too. We really do rely on word of mouth and testimonials to build our community, you’ll be helping us out!


Nutrition plays a huge role in improving your performance and health. We highly recommend that you spend equal effort on your diet as you do for fitness. All new members will be given a nutrition guide for their goals and body type. Please email us to request this guide.


We require 1 billing notice to cancel memberships. Any membership Holds must be requested 2 weeks prior and will be held for 1 month minimum, 2 months maximum. You must provide the date for the hold to end.

You can request a hold by following this link:


Any sports/gym kit will be fine! Check out the Reebok store where most people get their workout kit. We’re not fans of wearing gloves when working out. We’ve got chalk to aide your grip so please, no gloves. Ideally a non-spongey trainer will be best. You’ll want to have more stability than cushioning. Having said that, don’t worry too much as it won’t ruin your experience. Most CrossFitters go for either:

Reebok Nano’s

Nike Metcons

No Bull


We workout hard. We sweat. Our kit can get a bit smelly. Please wash your kit and give yourself a spray of deodorant before coming in! It’s an awkward conversation to have if you’re kicking up a bit but it happens.


Let the coaches coach. We know that you guys are all really helpful when it comes to looking after other members and we really appreciate that. It is also great that our newer members are able to come to our more experienced members to ask them to explain the board or where bits of equipment are. We want you to come in and get the very best from your session so, whilst we love you guys helping each other out and encouraging everyone, leave the specifics of coaching to the coaches and enjoy your session.

Be nice.

We pride ourselves on being a friendly and inclusive gym. Even if you’re a bit shy, saying hello with a smile will go a long way. Especially to the newer members, they might be quite overwhelmed so introducing yourself can really put them at ease. We’re all in it together!

Booking Classes.

Be fair when booking. If you don’t know with reasonable certainty you’re able to make the class, please don’t book it. If a class is full, utilise the waiting list as it’s quite likely you’ll get on nearer the time. Be ready for that class or take yourself off the waiting list. If you no-show or late cancel (2 hours before class) you will lose that session. There is also a nightly blackout meaning if you cancel, for example the 0600 class at 0200, you’ll still lose your slot as realistically no one will have the chance to take your slot at the time.


We have 4 parking spaces out the front of Fishers Gate Boxing. The spaces that have Fishers Gate Parking on the wall. If those are taken there is 90 mins free at Aldi or free street parking in the surrounding area. If at all possible, biking or walking in is the best option. Extra fitness and you’re saving the planet!


We’re animal lovers at this gym. 100%. Having said that, some people are scared of dogs. We need to respect all members so the rule is no pets allowed in class hours, sorry! If you really need to bring your dog, for example into Open Gym please ask in advance, they’ll have to be crated/tied potentially but the answer still may be no.


We don’t allow children during adult class hours to come with you sorry.