This week we’re focusing on removing food groups that our body doesn’t agree with.
We all react to food groups differently.
Some people can eat/drink dairy products all day with no issue, for others that would cause a serious amount of bloating.
For some, eating bread can make you feel hungry immediately after as if you didn’t eat it.
Others might find certain vegetables give them gas.
Eating foods you’re sensitive to can throw off your gut bacteria and enzymes, causing a cycle of poor digestion, infection, and inflammation.
Problems in the GI tract can lead to hormonal, metabolic, and immune functions.
Listen to your body.
If you’re regularly consuming foods that your body doesn’t agree with, you might feel low energy, have inflammation, feel achy, have disrupted sleep, brain fog, constant hunger, and the list goes on…
We tend to eat food without too much thought of how it makes us feel.
Life is busy!
However, take some time to slow down this week and be mindful of your task.
There are lots of poorly researched (and outright fake) claims that companies can track food groups you should avoid via blood test and hair samples etc..
Please save yourself the money and false results by doing it yourself and listening to your own body.
This week I’d like you to fill out this form “How Food Feels”
(Feel free to create your own.)
Take note of and be present in what you’re consuming.
If you’ve found something that wasn’t a positive experience, try removing it for the next 3 days and see how that impacts you.
This is part of creating your own manual on how to treat your body best!
For those who feel they have really big issues with food sensitivities, you may want to go for a full elimination diet, which is quite involved but worthwhile.
Please have a look at this infographic for full details and message me that you’re planning to go for this.
We can discuss it further and make sure you’re set up properly.